Hi, I'm Morgan

A Fellow Coach

I've been a coach and coachee myself since 2009, and that transformational work has shaped my life. I know that deep down, you really just want to be with the people you're coaching. You don't want to spend months learning a new software, fiddling with settings, or asking forgiveness for glitches.

An Educator & Software Expert

My experience as a certified K-12 teacher in 3 US states, curriculum designer, and ADHD coach give me the edge on designing the MOST EFFECTIVE course for your customers.

As CoachAccountable's Director of Customer Love & Handholding (more commonly known as "Customer Experience") for 4+ years, I set up custom coaching portal software for hundreds of coaches.

A Person

DISC style: Dynamo

ENFJ-T Protagonist

Enneagram: 3w2

Human Design: Projector

Where's home? California, USA

Who I Serve

  • Business Coaches

  • Health & Wellness Coaches

  • ADHD Coaches

  • Marketing Coaches

  • Mastermind Coaches & Students

  • Real Estate Coaches

  • Authors

  • Visionaries

  • Coaching Schools

And more! From individuals to huge you've-heard-of them coach training organizations, and all of them have one thing in common:

They don't want to spend their limited time figuring out software.